January & Feburuary 2024

Active Recovery 2023 Christmas Party

The Christmas Party was a great opportunity to get the Active Recovery Community together and spend time learning more about each other while enjoying a delicious morning tea!

From our party there were many requests for the recipe for the delicious salad which was brought in by one of our clients. They were kind enough to share this with us in this newsletter!

Snow Pea Salad Recipe:

  1. Trim 500 grams of snow peas and slice them in half length-ways.

  2. Peel and julienne 1 carrot.

  3. Set snow peas and carrot aside.

  4. Juice & zest 2 limes.

  5. Grate 1 glove of garlic

  6. Whisk together the lime juice and zest with the grated garlic clove, plus 2 tablespoons of honey and 1 tablespoon of light olive oil.

  7. Add salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.

  8. Toss the snow peas, carrot and dressing together. Serve chilled.

We are excited to announce that students are back from TODAY!

These students are studying their bachelor or masters of physiotherapy at the University of Canberra!

We are offing a reduced rate if you’d like to book in with one of the students for $50. These sessions are private health fund claimable. If you or someone you know would like to book in with one of our students, please let reception know or give us a call. The sessions will be guided by fully qualified physiotherapists with years of experience.

We had such a great time at the MS Walk, Run, Roll last year we have enter our Active Recovery Team again for 2024! Our aim is to make our team bigger then last year so please join us on the day!

If you are free the morning of 5th May and would like to join us for 5kms of fun supporting a worthy cause we’d love for you to join our team.

Get to know our amazing staff:

Please Follow Us To Stay Up To Date With The Latest News At Active Recovery:

December 2023

Swimming Superstar

Physiotherapy sometimes looks like this 🏊


Thomas never ceases to amaze our team, 95 years young het sets the pace swimming breast stroke!

End of Year Celebrations

We invite you to join us for our end of year celebrations on Friday 22nd of December from 11:30am.

If you could please RSVP to the Front Desk so we can add you to our list that would be muchly appreciated.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Holiday Shutdown Period

Please let us know if you will be away during the festive season so we can remove your appointment, so you are not disturbed by an SMS reminder while you are away.


On behalf of Active Recovery, we’d like to wish you a safe and happy festive season and we look forward to working with you in 2024!

Students are back!

We are excited to announce that starting back in 2024 we will be welcoming students who are studying their bachelor or masters of physiotherapy at the University of Canberra. Make sure you keep your eyes peeled for when they arrive and give them a warm welcome!


If you or someone you know would like to offer to book in an appointment with one of our students to help them gain some experience please let reception know.

Get to know our amazing staff:

The festive season can be tough, sometimes talking with a caring ear can make all the difference

13 11 14

Provides 24-hour crisis counselling, support groups and suicide prevention service.
Available 24/7

1800 650 890

Provides mental health and wellbeing support, information and services to young people aged 12 to 25 years and their families.
Available 9am-1am, Everyday

1300 789 978

Telephone and online support and information service for Australian men.
Available 24/7

November 2023

Abby and Hatef’s Honeymoon

After saying ‘I do’ and dancing to Cold Play at their wedding in March, Abby and Hatef jetted off to Japan to watch Cold Play in concert!


They enjoyed a lovely 2 weeks exploring all over Japan, worked out the train systems and indulged in the delicious Japanese cuisine.

We have masks available at our practice, if you would like to wear one please ask us for one. You can also request our staff to wear a mask if that would make you more comfortable.
Keeping you safe within our community is our priority.

Exciting job opportunities at Active Recovery


We are looking for a fun, caring, and passionate Physiotherapist or Physio-assistant to join our team.

If you are looking for a new position, or know someone that is we would love to hear from you!

For more information click the link below to head to our website

Raider Wheelchair Rugby

One of our clients Shane and his carer, Sean attended one of the Wheelchair Rugby sessions a few weeks ago!

If you or someone you know may be interested in Wheelchair Rugby League please feel free to make contact with Anthony McQueen from the Canberra Region Rugby League on amcqueen@raiders.com.au

October 2023

Di’s New Adventure

In July Di set off on her 3 month European Adventure!


We have been getting regular updates of the beautiful scenery and architecture that Di has been visiting, photos of all the delicious food Europe has to offer and how she even went and watch Australia play Rugby Union!


We look forward to welcoming Di back in a few weeks – Not sure about you but we have definitely missed having Di around!!

R U OK Day

R U OK Day was on 14th September 2023 but it is also an important opportunity to remind everyone that every day is a day to ask ‘are you OK? ‘ and start a meaningful conversation with someone you notice might be struggling.


Everyone at Active Recovery are here to listen today and everyday!


It’s written in our business values – ‘We Care, We Listen’. A small kindness goes a long way and a few words can make a big difference.

Follow us on our socials


Below are the links to our Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn


Be sure to follow us for more regular updates of what we get up to at Active Recovery 🙂

Raider Wheelchair Rugby

Active Recovery Physiotherapy is supporting Raider’s Wheelchair Rugby League.


Wheelchair Rugby League returns to the Tuggeranong Archery Centre for the 2023 Spring Season.


The next session is on Sunday 8th October at 9:00am.


Wheelchair Rugby League is an all-adaptive, all-inclusive variant of Rugby League that caters to everyone, it isn’t just a sport for people in a Wheelchair. Anyone and everyone can get involved. No age restrictions, no gender restrictions, and you don’t need to have played Rugby League or Wheelchair Rugby League before, new players are strongly encouraged to get involved.


All equipment will be provided on the day, all you need to bring is a water bottle and some comfortable shoes.


Wheelchair Rugby League looks and feels the same as the regular running game, albeit played in a wheelchair. Players wear tags on their shoulders (similar to OzTag) and removing either tag constitutes a tackle. All other rules of Rugby League are similar (except for scrums). Wheelchair Rugby league also includes kickoffs and conversions.


If you or someone you know may be interested in Wheelchair Rugby League please feel free to make contact with Anthony McQueen from the Canberra Region Rugby League on amcqueen@raiders.com.au, otherwise, feel free to attend on Sunday.

September 2023

Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association Awards


On Friday 1st September, Hatef, Abby and Kevin attended the annual Australian Rehabilitation Providers Association Awards. During the event on behalf of Active Recovery Abby had the privilege of presenting two awards to their deserving recipients. 


This evening is a lovely way to celebrate and commend the hard work that Rehab Providers put in to help clients liaise with their medical team and work towards their rehab goals.

– Daffodil Day –


Thursday 31st of August, Active Recovery held a Bake Sale to help raise funds for the Cancer Council.


It was such a lovely day with lots of our clients, friends and family joining us to donate to a very worthy cause. With the help of everyone who donated, Active Recovery raised $1,000.00. We cannot thank you all enough!!



A big thank you to everyone who baked those delicious cakes and slices to make our bake sale event possible.

– Trivia Night – 

Active Recovery Socials Style


Team ‘Active Discovery’ set out to Verity Lane on Tuesday 5th September ready to dive deep into the world of trivia and the endless choices for food!



With a final score of 51, Active Discovery ended up coming 5th place out of ten and only about 10 points behind 1st place. Well done team! 



Make sure to keep your eye peeled for our next announcement for Active Recovery Socials ☺

Get to know our amazing staff:

August 2023

World Gymnaestrada – Netherlands 2023


Bob and Laurel are off representing Australia in a team of about 40 people from Woden Valley Gymnastics in Amsterdam. They are performing a nearly 15 minute routine that has diverse skills and a variety of talents showcased throughout. 

Our staff at Active Recovery were lucky enough to be able to go watch their performance before they left for Amsterdam.

We’d like to wish Bob and Laurel the best of luck – Go Australia!!

Trivia Night


For our next Active Recovery Socials event we are putting our minds and knowledge to the test with a Trivia Night.

We are still finalising some details but if you are interested in joining us on a table please let us know at your next session or send us an email at info@activerecovery.net.au, be sure to register your interest fast so you don’t miss out! 

Daffodil Day Bake Sale


Active Recovery are taking part in helping raise funds for the Cancer Council this Daffodil Day on August 31st 2023.

We are hosting a bake sale between 11:00am and 12:30pm and welcome you to join us. There will be a selection of baked goods on offer and you determine the price you want to pay per slice starting at $1. 

The price per slice is in your hands!

All money raised will be added to our fundraising page – check out the link below 

Massage Therapist


We are pleased to announce that we will have a Massage Therapist beginning at Active Recovery in August

Bree will be at the practice on a Friday from 1:00pm – 5:00pm 

You may be eligible to claim with your health fund – unfortunately DVA do not cover massage sessions 

Bookings are essential so if you are interested please call and add your name to the list and we will call you to book in once we have finalised Bree’s starting date!

July 2023

The 2023 NAIDOC Week theme is ‘For Our Elders’


“Across every generation, our Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families. They are the cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers, and our loved ones.” 


Active Recovery would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet, the Ngunnawal people of Canberra and the surrounding region. We would like to pay respect to Elders past, present, and emerging and any Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who join our community, inspire our community, and lead our community. 


Dhjan Yimaba – Thank you


For more information and educational resources

Active Recovery Socials Debut

For our first Active Recovery Socials event we were hitting strikes on the bowling allies at Zone Bowling – Tuggeranong.

The hidden talents shone through as pin after pin was barreled over, along with the few narrow misses and bowling balls that went straight into the gutter. We were probably the loudest cheer squad there cheering each other on and laughing the whole night. 

We set a fun challenge for round 7, we had to try and bowl with our non-dominant hand to see how we went – this was definitely an interesting round!

Head over to our Active Recovery socials to check out some of the live action from our Friday night fun.

Thank you to everyone that joined us – keep your eyes peeled for when we announce our next Active Recovery Social Event 


Get to know our amazing staff

June 2023

MS Walk Update

Team Active Recovery powered through the 5km MS Walk, Run + Roll on Sunday 21st May. It was a chilly morning but it was fantastic to see some very determined people ready to smash their goals.    

As a team we had a fundraising goal of $1000 but through the generosity of many donations we raised a total of $1855 – AMAZING!!   

Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to donate to such a worthy cause and another big thank you to everyone who joined us on the day.

Active Recovery Socials

This will consist of a semi-regular social event held within Canberra that brings us together for some fun and games outside of the Active Recovery gym. For our fantastic Active Recovery community, an opportunity to get out and socialise, and an excuse to do fun activities.  

Depending on which activity we are doing, the cost will change. There are no hidden costs, we just ask that you pay for your own involvement and the food/beverages you decide on consuming.  Come to one event or come to all, you are always welcome!

Our next event will be held at: 
Where: Zone Bowling Tuggeranong – Ten-Pin Bowling 
Time: 6pm  
When: Friday 16th June 2023 
RSVP: Wednesday 7th June 2023  
We will be utilising accessible bowling lanes.  
Prices: Guests with a disability: from $7.00 per game 
Companion’s card: First Game Free, then $19.90 
Others: $19.90 per game

Pricing Update

Please be advised that there will be a minor increase of prices effective from 1st July 2023. As always, we are committed to providing quality services to you and appreciate your continued support. We encourage you to speak with any of our staff if you have any concerns.

Exercising in Winter

Exercising in winter can invole some challanges like cold muscles, ligaments and tendons. Not preparing yourself and giving your body a chance to adapt to the weather can lead to the possibility of an injury.   

Check out the tips below to reduce those chances!

Wear Appropriate Clothing

Using lots of layers helps keep the body warm. This also gives you the option to remove layers should you being to warm up, and lowers the chances of you over heating.

Warm Up

Taking the time to warm up and loosen your muscles before exercising can help prevent an injury or damage occurring. In the cooler weather you may need you allow yourself a longer warm up period.

Drink Water

The cool weather may fool you into making you thinking you aren’t thirsty, but it is very important to stay hydrated. This can also lower your risk of getting muscle cramps while working out.

Listen To Your Body

You know your body so it is important you pay attention to what it is saying. It can be as simple as giving yourself a day or two to rest in between workouts or by making sure you have recovered before exercising again.

May 2023

Active Recovery Transition

We are pleased to announce that the transition of ownership over the past month has been a success. The operational side has remained active without any disruptions and our team has worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure that we do not close down even for a day during this period of change to ensure we provide you with the best care and support.   

We understand that many of our clients have been anxious about the ownership change, but we hope that they share in our excitement that the transition has been smooth and without any major bumps. Our priority has always been to provide a safe and comfortable space for our clients, and we are committed to maintaining the high standards that Active Recovery is known for.    

We are grateful for the continued support of our community and look forward to serving you for years to come.


Our team, Active Recovery, is taking part in the 2023 Canberra MS Walk Run + Roll to make sure no one faces multiple sclerosis alone.   


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. It occurs when the immune system attacks the protective myelin sheath that surrounds nerve fibers, leading to damage and inflammation. MS can cause a wide range of symptoms, including fatigue, vision problems, muscle weakness, numbness, tingling, and balance issues. There are various treatments available that can help manage symptoms, slow down the progression of the disease, and improve the quality of life. Treatment options for MS include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and lifestyle changes. It is important for individuals with MS to work closely with their healthcare provider to develop a comprehensive treatment plan that suits their individual needs and goals. Engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress can also help manage MS symptoms and improve overall health and well-being.   


MS affects more young people than any other neurological condition. It’s a lifelong disease and there is no cure. That’s why we’re raising vital funds that help make support and services possible.   


Will you help us make a HUGE impact?   


Donate: https://www.mswalk.org.au/fundraisers/activerecovery 

Join Our Team: https://www.mswalk.org.au/join/activerecovery   


Together, we can make sure no one faces MS alone.   


Thank you (SO much!)

April 2023

To Our Active Recovery Community

2023 has been the start of a year of transformations and new beginnings for many. You may have heard talk of background movement for our Active Recovery team and we are here to tell you all about it.

In January 2023, Following the trials of Covid-19 Active Recovery business partners Dianna Howell and James Olsen had decided that they no longer wished to operate Active Recovery. With an expected closure in February, We knew there was only one option!

We are pleased to announce the new owners and operators of Active Recovery, Abby Yates, her new husband Hatef Beigi and their business partner Morteza Bahrami.

If you have been in and around Active Recovery over the last 3 years you probably know Abby well, and we are excited for you to get to know Hatef and Mory (Morteza) as they play their parts behind the scenes with business and finances.

With a community as special as Active Recovery’s, we could not watch this legacy close. Our ‘Why’ is you, the people and community of Active Recovery. The ones that have been coming for years and the ones that will walk in next week. Active Recovery has always been a little bit different and special. We care, we listen and we empower. Our values are deeply threaded within our team and we hope to continue to show these values and grow as a community in Canberra.

We are thrilled to announce that our wonderful Active Recovery team will be sticking around. You will still see Kim’s smiling face at our administration desk, Dianna Howell will be part-time doing clinical work and Kev and Abby will be drinking coffee and working hard on the daily. Our two new team members, Hatef and Mory are excited to meet you all and will be in the clinic regularly.

We will be saying goodbye to James from April 19 as he sets out on his next adventure after 15 years at Active Recovery.

A massive start to 2023 for Active Recovery.

We are excited as a team to watch this new adventure unfold, to grow as a team and a community. We would like to thank you all for your continued support and smiling faces.


Abby, Hatef & Mory

A little bit about our new members:


Hatef Beigi

Hatef originally studied information technology at the University of Canberra finishing in 2014. From there he moved into project management within construction businesses and even started a business of his own ‘CanKit’ which he sold in 2019. Most recently Hatef has been working on the distribution of football (soccer) and coaching equipment through his label ‘1Coach’ which he start at the end of 2022. Hatef is passionate about football and has coached within the Canberra community youth leagues for over 6 years. He holds his football coaching B license and endeavours to achieve his A licence within the next 2 years.

Hatef see’s great potential in Active Recovery. He see’s a resilient community that cares for one another and Hatef is excited to help it grow.

Mory Bahrami

Mory is a chartered accountant and he runs his own accounting and tax agency firm from Mitchel ACT. Mory is passionate about growing small business and bringing community together. Previously Mory worked as the head of accounting at Goodwin village in Farrer. Mory has a young daughter who has just started school and his wife has just completed her PhD in organic chemistry.

Mory has been a good friend of Hatef for 13 years and together they have always wanted to invest in a business. Abby’s love of Active Recovery, it’s community and values motivated Hatef and Mory to set plans into motion.

From two families to the next two families, Active Recovery remains a valued business with community care at its forefront. We hope to grow with compassion and harmony.

Active Recovery news

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